Code of Conduct
Edisun Power Europe is committed to sustainable growth in the company value. As a listed and privately owned company, it upholds the interests of its
- customers,
- employees and
- shareholders.
The company’s strategy is systematically aligned with these interests.
Code of Conduct
A company’s code of conduct is a binding statement of its values and of the context in which it intends to do business.
A code of conduct formalizes a company’s principles and values and provides them with a solid basis. It is therefore of strategic importance for a company’s internal organization, as well as for its ties to the outside and to its immediate stakeholder community (Ethos 2009).
The Edisun Power Group’s Code of Conduct is an expression of the commitment to propriety and honesty on the part of management and employees alike, and thus of their resolve to ensure the company’s long-term success.
We are committed to the sustainable appreciation of our company's value
As a listed private-sector company we are guided by a strategy explicitly tailored to the interests of our shareholders, clients and staff. We keep the lines of communication open to our stakeholders (our clients, partners, employees and suppliers, as well as the public sector, among others). In company-wide collaboration across all areas and regions we work together to optimize our strengths and skills, both individual and collective.
We comply with obligatory norms and laws
We comply with laws, norms and directives in the pursuit of our plans and activities, as well as with the instructions of our supervisors, including a ban on bribery both active and passive. We report violations immediately to our supervisors.
We address the concerns of our clients and partners
As a rule, our client relationships are governed by long-term contractual obligations, which it is our responsibility to meet. At the same time, we also require our clients and partners to provide services as agreed, and we expect the same fair treatment from their side.
We take responsibility for our employees
We provide professional, respectful, candid and courageous leadership. We offer our employees goal-oriented support, foster their development, and advocate practicable tolerance of error. We advocate equal opportunity and expect all concerned to take responsibility for their own actions. We create positions with appropriate remuneration and promote personal and professional advancement. We assume our responsibility to society as an employer, especially as regards insurance and pensions.
We apply our ethical standards
Contractual relationships and commissions alike depend upon mutual trust, which in turn demands absolute discretion as regards the competition as well as any other third parties not included in the process. All conflicts of interest must be disclosed. No assignment that depends upon illegal action or behaviour may be taken on, and offers of such assignments are to be reported to a supervisor. We fulfill our duties and make use of our rights.
We treat our suppliers as partners
As a rule, we review all bids submitted by a range of companies so as to give all potential suppliers the opportunity to obtain an assignment. We do not pass on information to our suppliers’ competition and demand the same discretion in regard to ourselves. We expect our suppliers to comply with all relevant laws and provisions and to assume their social and environmental responsibility. We undertake to provide fair, comprehensive, comprehensible and timely information when granting or refusing assignments.
We provide candid, honest and timely information
As a listed corporation we are subject to the Listing Regulations of the Swiss stock exchange (SIX Swiss Exchange AG) and comply with its transparency. We collaborate with others on a state-regulated market, and our clients are typically involved in the political environment to a considerable degree. We strive for dialogue in the pursuit of our aims, and thus take into account all possible circumstances.
Our risk culture
Our commercial activities depend upon a disciplined and intelligent attitude to risk. In the interest of our stakeholders we set great store by independent risk-management, compliance and auditing processes with complete management responsibility.
We respect the environment
We are circumspect with regard to the environment and ensure that sustainability is to the forefront when pursuing operational objectives. Our watchword is awareness, and we are parsimonious in our use of scarce resources. Whenever possible and reasonable, we choose ecologically optimal products and services.